Friday, January 30, 2009

2008. The Good, The Bad, The First Part.

So another year has come and gone, and everyone is making their lists. The best, the worst, the funniest. And since I figured it was ages since I updated this thing, I should throw in my two cents. A note of warning, I have yet to see some of the bigger heavyweights from December, but am working to remedy that this week. This will explain the curious lack of Slumdog Millionaire, Wrestler, and Benjamen Button. That said, let us begin, good first.

1. Let The Right One In
Good goddamn. This is why I love movies. Beautifully shot, emotional, funny, violent. If there was justice this would have grossed 150 millions dollars, and be up for an Oscar or 8. That said, there is no justice, and it will have to suffice being at the top of my (and countless other) lists. A vampire story, a love story, a coming of age story, and still somehow more than all this. A testament to the power of good horror. See it.

2. In Bruges
Hands down the best thing Colin Farrell has ever done. Wickedly funny, touching, brutal, a little bleak, but still manages to be heartwarming. And Ralph Fiennes on top of his game. Most quotable movie of the year.

3. The Dark Knight
In Bruges may have been the most quotable movie, but this was easily my most quoted. Sure it has a couple plot holes, and maybe the pacing could be tighter, but really, the only problem I can think of is that Heath Ledger stole the spotlight from the rest of super talented cast. Gary Oldman may have given his best performance since Leon, and Aaron Eckhart raises his own bar so high, it'll be tough to top. Throw that on top of gorgeous IMAX photography, and the most nihilistic story a summer blockbuster probably will ever see, and you've got a bonafide classic.

4. Wall-E
Best romance this year. I dare anyone to say they don't want a Wall-E of their own. Besides the guts of making a movie with no dialogue for the first 45 minutes, it was wonderful to go to the movie theater and feel hopeful when you left. And hey, a pro-enviroment message doesn't hurt.

5. J.C.V.D
Possibly the greatest cathartic moment in cinema in 2008. You'll know what I mean when you see it. And yes, it's even better than the moment in Let The Right One In. Jean-Claude actually, and well, is just a bonus.

6. Son Of Rambow
This one is frustrating cause I can't get anyone to see it. They always make some stupid excuse about 'not liking Rambo movies'. Well, maybe if they took a goddamned chance, and maybe opened their eyes, they would realize that this is just a wicked awesome coming of age story that celebrates the power of movies. It's something I think pretty much every 12 year old should see. As well as First Blood.

7. Redbelt
A martial arts con man samurai movie. Written and directed by David Mamet. Yes, it's as awesome as it sounds.

8. Repo! The Genetic Opera
I could nitpick this movie to death. From some of the songs, to the singing ability of those involved, to the production values, the list goes on. But to do so would miss the point, and the fun. This is easily the most original movie I've seen in ages and will likely see for a long time. I'm just glad movies like this are still made.

9.L'age des Tenebres (Days of Darkness)
Denys Arcand is a national treasure, and this is one of his funniest efforts. Until you realize the truth behind everything. And then it is one of most crushingly sad movies you've ever seen. And yet, you still walk out with a smile of your face. A must see for those who think that Egoyan and Cronenberg are the only two Canadian autuers.

10. The Visitor.
A movie that slipped under everyone's radar and is just getting some recognition. A very quiet, soft character drama with an ending while certainly not happy, still kinda makes you want to high five the main character. Check it out.

Honourable mentions:
Snow Angels
Diary of the Dead
Man On Wire
Speed Racer
Iron Man
The Ruins
Zack and Miri Make a Porno
Vicky Christina Barcelona
More or less everything I saw at TADFF

Worst Movie

1. Twilight
I've already said more than enough on this subject. Needless to say, my thoughts haven't changed.

2. Sex and the City
I kinda dug the show. Not great by any stretch, but well enough done for it's audience. The movie spits on all of that. Long, slow, unfunny, it's the female equivlant of a dumb guy comedy. And not a good one. And will someone please explain to me why the hell did they have to go to Mexico.

3. 88 Minutes
Oh, Al Pacino. Why?

4. The Happening
A decent idea and a great first 5 minutes hype you up that M.Night is back on form. And the rest of the movie plays. And your jaw drop. And tears of pain roll down your cheeks. Cheeks locked in uncontrollable, uncomfortable laughter. Just a waste.

5.10,000 BC
I could overlook the stupidity if at least it was fun. I mean, I kinda dug Death Race and Wanted. It didn't even give me that. Slow, boring, stupid, ugly. Roland Emmerich is a long way from Stargate and ID4.

Dishonourable Mentions
Max Payne
Love Guru
In The Name Of The King
Mummy 3

Like I said, this isn't a complete list. I still have to see a handful of films. I'll throw up my thoughts on those as I see them. That won't be Part 2 thought. Part 2 will be specific awards, so to speak, as well as some of my thoughts on last year. I'll try to get that up in the next week or so. Feel free to argue with me and stay tuned