Sunday, October 10, 2010

October 10, 2010 - How To Train Your Dragon

It has dragons. Dragons are monsters. Monsters are horror. It's my blog, so my rules. Also, the story takes a couple surprisingly dark turns along the way, so it's not a total stretch.

This is a pretty awesome movie. Probably the best non-Pixar animated movie since Kung Fu Panda. Which reminds me, when did Dreamworks start getting good? I still associate them with Shark Tale and beating the Shrek horse to hamburger. HTTYD just proves this wrong in every scene. Jay Baruchel voices Hiccup, the wimpy son of the chief who is more brains and imagination than brawn. After an invention knocks out a very rare dragon thought to be uncatchable, he finds himself unable to kill it and nurses it back to health. Eventually he's found out, difficult decisions are made and both father and son learn to accept the other in their own ways.

The action is incredible. WB should have gotten the directors on board for their new Superman reboot, because these guys get how freaking awesome flying is. There is a joy in all the flight scenes that's infectious. It also doesn't play nice. Like I said, it takes some dark turns, and not all the main characters make it out intact. It's also funnier than most 'comedies' I've seen this past year. The characters are all relatable and the voice cast never tries too hard to stand out.

Bonus points for some awesome dragon design. There are several different species of dragon in the film, and they are all unique while at the same time clearly cut from the same dragon cloth. They also all have a very cat-like attitude which was neat and adorable. The human characters are a bit less fun, but do way more than the bare minimum.

Toy Story 3 may be the better movie, but this is just way too much fun. I can't wait until it enters regular rotation at my house and we're all quoting this movie ad nauseum. Get it for the kids in your life, just make sure you watch it with them.

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