Saturday, October 16, 2010

October 16, 2010 - Mirrors 2

This is it. I'm officially past the halfway point for my little endeavour. I'm happy to say I've seen more good movies than bad, and very few awful ones. That said, The Rig is so bad, it makes up for any lapses. Fucking Rig. I also want to use this space that in the next week or so, I will be liveblogging all 6 of the Saw movies currently released on DVD. That's right, my review for the that day will be my notes and thoughts on all the Saw movies watched in an epic marathon of masochism. Once I hammer out a day, I'll let everyone know.

On to today's movie. I actually preferred Mirrors 2 to the original. But then, I really didn't like the original so that's not saying much. The sequel isn't that great either. A ghost is trapped in a mirror, wants revenge on the people she deems responsible for her death, and controls their reflections to kill them. There isn't much tying it to the first movie except the Mayflower department store chain, and the fact that the main character is a night security guard. Nick Stakl plays said guard, and while he doesn't humiliated himself, he doesn't look too thrilled to be there.

The reason I like this one better is the kills. Especially the first one. It starts off as a riff on the best kill in the first movie, but then goes in a totally different direction. And it wasn't spoiled by the trailer. It's got nudity, tons of blood, and brings to mind The Omen. The other kills are no slouch either. The effects aren't great, but they do get the point across, and very little, if any, of the gore is CG so big bonus points.

Mirrors 2 is a surprisingly competent sequel to a barely competent original. It has a couple cool ideas, but is hindered by terrible writing and boring direction. But that first kill, damn. I almost suggest you rent it just for that. I know this is a shorter review, but there isn't a lot to say. Better than average DTV sequel sums it all up.

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