Friday, October 8, 2010

October 8, 2010 - Suck

One of the big problems about setting out to make a cult movie is that it never really works. You just have to make the movie, honestly trying to make the best one you can and give it over to your audience. Rocky Horror Picture Show was an accident, but people keep trying to capture that same lightening in a bottle. Repo! The Genetic Opera is probably to closest anyone's come to a manfactured cult film, and even that's arguable. I now present another example. After legit cult masterpiece 'Phil the Alien' Rob Stefaniuk tried to do it again, and almost pulled it off. Suck is a lot of fun, flawed as heck, and a cult sensation waiting to happen.

The Winners, headed by Stefaniuk, are a terrible bar band that can barely afford their last tour through southern Canada and northern America. After their bass player gets turned into a vampire though, their fortunes improve. Eventually most of the band is turned, and the lead singer must whether to join them and become rich, or turn his back on vampires and his dreams. Along the way, there are a lot of mediocre songs, and a ton of pretty sweet musicians having fun. Alice Cooper, Iggy Pop, Moby, Henry Rollins and Alex Lifeson all turn up for amusing cameos. And Malcolm McDowell has a pretty awesome turn as a vampire hunter.

It all gets rather silly, we're hit over the head with some of the themes, and its full of that lame safe humour that permeates mainstream Canadian films. But it's does have a certain charm to it, and Chris Ratz as the roadie who gets stuck cleaning up all the messes steals every scene he's in.

It's not going to change the world, and I probably won't go to far out of my way to see it again, but some of you will love it. Give it a shot next time you've got friends and beer over and need something silly and weird and musical to watch. It's a farsight better the Repo!

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