Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October 26th, 2010 - Demons

This was a tough call. I watched a few different horror flicks today, and it was a toss up. I ultimately chose Demons though because it's easily the least known, and I had never seen all of it before. Bits and pieces here and there. Late night TV or clips in some montage. I always like finding something new and passing it on, even if its something as cultish as Demons.

It all takes place at a film premiere at an old cinema. It's a fairly packed house watching the film, which deals with demon possession, Nostradamus, and a creepy metal mask. Funnily enough, there is an identical mask in the lobby of the theater. A girl tries it on and ends up cutting herself. Bat things happen. Demons slowly start taking over all the cinema-goers, all the exits are bricked off, and all survivors are trapped on the balcony.

This is, objectively, not the best movie. The acting is mediocre at best and the dubbing is hilariously bad. Not that the dialogue is anything special. Thing happen for no real reason, not much is explained, and it end with the most out there deus ex machina I've seen. Elitist film lovers be warned, you will not like this.

This is, in my opinion however, a bloody awesome movie. All of the negatives I listed above just aid in it's nightmare like atmosphere. It's really well shot, and the lighting is amazing. Bava was wearing his Dario Argento association on his sleeve throughout, and it helps the movie in all the right ways. The kills are awesome, and plentiful. There's a particularly nasty one involving two pieces of metal rebar that had everyone cheering. The movie takes some wild twists, and it does feel like anything could happen.

Like I said, this is certainly not for everyone. And those who will like it have probably seen it by now. That said, if you like over the top horror movies, and are willing to buy it's dream logic, it doesn't get much more fun than Demons

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