Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October 12, 2010 - Poltergeist

Goddamn, now this is a movie. Scary, funny, unsettling, memorable, iconic. I can't believe I only saw this now. And it's the perfect movie to show children to give them a proper respect for the genre and a healthy fear of clowns.

I feel like anything I say would just be reiterating things most of you know by now.Suburban family is set upon by ghosts, their daughter is kidnapped and they recruit the help of parapsychologists and a medium to get her back. Along the way we learn about the value of family, and when developing land for real estate, it pays to not do things the cheap way.

The effects are awesome. I kind of preferred the more subtle work earlier in the film the gradual crescendo of all the little events was more effective at creeping me out then when everything was going crazy. Not to knock anything that came later in the movie, it's all great. I loved the design on the Beast for the one chance we get a good look at it. All the actors are great too. I could nitpick some the child performances but why? Also, Zelda Rubinstein for the win. Just saying.

I've heard a lot of debate about the real director of the film. See, Tobe Hooper is credited as the director, but Steven Spielberg was the writer and producer and apparently had a lot of sway on set. Honestly, it's a great movie, so I don't really care either way. But it does feel like a truly collaborative project. Some shots are pure Hooper, others feel like Spielberg. It was definitely a Spielberg ending. And I mean that in the good way, not the recent way.

I was more than pleased with this movie. Usually, when a movie is this highly regarded and it takes me this long to see it, I tend to think it overrated. But in this case, it deserves every nice thing people can say about. And it's great for kids!

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